Next.js with MongoDB - The Complete Guide

Next.js with MongoDB - The Complete Guide

Hello, world

Let's learn How to integrate Next.js with MongoDB?.


In this article, we'll learn how to connect MongoDB database with Next.js. And also learn how to perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in MongoDB.

Before starting, I am assuming that you know the basics of No-SQL database like what collections and documents are?

Let's Build

Creating Application

Run the following command to create a new Next.js Application.

# yarn
yarn create next-app mongo-example

# npx
npx create-next-app mongo-example

pnpm create next-app mongo-example

Create mongoDB database

You can download mongoDB community server in your local machine and use it. But for the ease, I will be using mongoDB Atlas.

  1. Go to and register for a account and you will be asked some of the questions give the answers to them.
  2. Click on Create on free one to get a free mongo db database. 1.png
  3. Now again click on Create cluster. 2.png
  4. Now, create a new user by filling the username and password filled. You will require this credentials while connecting to database. 3.png
  5. Now, whitelist your IP to connect to this db instance, by clicking on Add my current IP Address. 4.png
  6. Then click on Finish and close and again click on Go to databases.
  7. Now, wait until your free cluster is created, once it is created click on connect. 8.png
  8. Now, click on second option. 9.png
  9. Now, copy the connection URI. 10.png

Connecting Next.js app to mongoDB database

  • Create a new file in the root of the project named .env.local and add the following.


    Note: In the connection URI you should replace <password> with the actual password.

  • Now, install the required package.

yarn add mongodb

npm install mongodb

pnpm add mongodb
  • Create a new file name mongodb.js in libs directory. And add the following content.
// libs/mongodb.js

import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";

const MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI;

// check the MongoDB URI
  throw new Error("Define the MONGODB_URI environmental variable");

let cachedClient= null;
let cachedDb = null;

export async function connectToDatabase() {
  // check the cached.
  if (cachedClient && cachedDb) {
    // load from cache
    return {
      client: cachedClient,
      db: cachedDb,

  // Connect to cluster
  let client = new MongoClient(MONGODB_URI);
  await client.connect();
  let db = client.db();

  // set cache
  cachedClient = client;
  cachedDb = db;

  return {
    client: cachedClient,
    db: cachedDb,

Let's Build Todo Application

Create API Routes for CRUD Operation

  • Create Todo

Create a file name add-todo.js inside pages/api folder.

And add the following content.

import { connectToDatabase } from "../../libs/mongodb";

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
  // Take user input
  const { title } = req.body;
  // Insert a document into the collection
  const response = db.collection("todos").insertOne({
    completed: false,
    createdAt: new Date(),
  // Send a response
    data: await db.collection("todos").findOne({ id: response.insertedId }),
    message: "Todo added successfully",
  • Read Todos

    File name: pages/api/read-todos.js
import { connectToDatabase } from "../../libs/mongodb";

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
  // Send all the todos
  const todos = await db.collection("todos").find({}).toArray();
  • Update Todo

    File name: pages/api/update-todo.js
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { connectToDatabase } from "../../libs/mongodb";

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
  // Update Todo Data
  const { title, completed, id } = req.body;
  // Update the todo with the given id
  await db.collection("todos").updateOne(
    { _id: ObjectId(id) },
      $set: {
  // Send a response
    data: await db.collection("todos").findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }),
    message: "Todo updated successfully",
  • Delete Todo

    File name: pages/api/delete-todo.js
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { connectToDatabase } from "../../libs/mongodb";

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
  // Delete Todo ID
  const { id } = req.body;
  // Delete the todo with the given id
  const response = await db
    .deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) });
  // Send a response
    data: await db.collection("todos").findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }),
    message: "Todo deleted successfully",


First run the dev server using the one of the following command.

yarn run dev
npm run dev
pnpm run dev

Now, You can install any of the REST API client and test them, for now I'll be using VS code extension Thunder Client.

  • Create Todo

Create Todo Demo

  • Read Todos

Read Todos Demo

  • Update Todo

Update Todo Demo

  • Delete Todo

Delete Todo Demo

So, this much for today guys, if you have got any issue, feel free to ask and thank you for reading.